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What is the status of this project?

Well, this is free software written by one person (thus far, as of year 2001). It is pretty much a contribution to fellow programmers who may find this useful. Haven said this, this project is at least fully functional for the one job that generated the need for it. Without going into specifics, it involves a Motorla Coldfire processor with at least 1MB of SRAM and 1MB of flash ROM.

It should be fairly simple to tailor this distribution for any Coldfire architectures. A few changes to the address space set up logic should do the trick. Data bus width may also necessitate some changes, but those should be fairly minor.

How about the rest of us using something other than the Coldfire processors (can't blame you!)? Well, the assembly start up code is less than 300 lines long (including comments). It should not take too long to rewrite that part for another architecture. The UART logic (uart.h and uart.c) combine to less than 300 lines also. Portions of gdb-rsp.c needs to be modified to handle the architecture dependent exception/interrupt logic, and this part is probably the most difficult.

If you do plan to port gdb-rsp-mon to another architecture, I would really appreciate it if you inform me ( and join the development team hosted by

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Tak Auyeung 2001-12-30