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Who should use gdb-rsp-mon?

gdb-rsp-mon is intended for programmers who need to debug programs running on a thin target. Of course, ``thin'' is relative. In this case, ``thin'' means being able to spare about 20kB of memory space without impact the actual target code. We can probably tighten down the software at some point to maybe 10kB, but for now it is really a ``medium'' (rather than ``thin'') monitor.

This means gdb-rsp-mon is probably not suitable for microcontrollers with built-in RAM/ROM or any processor with about 64kB of address space. Fortunately, the GNU tool set does not support many of such platforms anyway (with the exception of the Atmel AVR line microcontrollers, but they have their own specialized tools). Most modern architectures supported by GNU tools have 32-bit address busses anyway, and memory is getting cheap enough.

Note that gdb-rsp-mon is not host-platform-dependent. This means you can use any host platform capable of supporting the GNU tools. For creating the monitor code, however, I do recommend using a Unix-like operating system due to filename conventions.

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Tak Auyeung 2001-12-30